IDEO Design Research Opportunities

Share your experience around gaming, entertainment and franchises

Written by IDEO | Jun 14, 2023 8:13:02 PM

Are you a fan of nostalgic experiences, trading card games or mobile/video game franchises? Do you have a child who is a fan of trading card games or mobile/video game franchises? Global design company IDEO is looking for individuals and families to share their perspective and provide feedback on early concepts around gaming and entertainment experiences.

  • Who: Kids, teens and adults who enjoy trading card games or mobile/video game franchises
    (Must be 13+ to fill out this survey. Parents/guardians of kids ages 8-12 may fill out the survey for a child and will be required to participate with their child.)

  • What: 60-90 minute group research sessions

  • Where: San Francisco, CA (in-person)

  • When: June 27th - 30th, 2023

  • Compensation (upon completion of session)
    • Kids (ages 8-12): $25 gift card
    • Teens and adults (13 and up): $100/hr


Have multiple kids who may be interested? Feel free to fill the application out separately for each child, and only fill out the “More About You” section once, in one of the applications.


Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.


Note: Application responses are confidential and used to determine eligibility for research participation. There is no compensation for filling out the application and no guarantee you will be selected to participate.