IDEO Design Research Opportunities

Share your perspective on challenging life transitions and mental health

Written by IDEO | Mar 6, 2023 3:33:00 PM

How do you prioritize your mental and emotional health? Global design company IDEO is looking for teenagers and young adults in California to participate in a series of exploratory research activities to share their perspectives and provide feedback on early concepts around mental wellness.

  • Who: Teenagers and young adults who live in California
  • What: If selected, you may be asked to participate in one or more of the following:
    • 60 minute video call
    • Remote week-long Diary Study
    • Surveys about your mental wellbeing, experience with transitions in life, and to get feedback on our work
  • Where: Remotely, through a research platform/app called DScout
  • When: April 1st - July 1st, 2023
  • Compensation: Range $15 - $100 upon completion of activities


Not the right fit for you, but know someone who is? We're offering a $25 referral bonus if you recommend someone that participates in the research.

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.


Note: Application responses are confidential and used to determine eligibility for research participation. There is no compensation for filling out the application and no guarantee you will be selected to participate.