Share your perspective on wellness and belonging

pexels-keira-burton-6146997Global design company IDEO is looking for teenagers and young adults who are leaders, mentors and influencers in their communities to participate in an exploratory research conversation to share their perspective and provide feedback on early concepts around wellness and belonging.

  • Who: Teenagers and young adults
  • What: 30-minute video call
  • Where: Remotely via Zoom
  • When: May 8th - May 26th, 2023
  • Compensation: $50


There may be an opportunity for selected participants to be invited back for additional engagement on a recurring basis (remotely, via zoom) through September.

Not the right fit for you, but know someone who is? We're offering a $25 referral bonus if you recommend someone that participates in the research.

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.


Note: Application responses are confidential and used to determine eligibility for research participation. There is no compensation for filling out the application and no guarantee you will be selected to participate.